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Documenti in archivio: 11   -   Autore: Holyszko, J
1/1 pag.
  • ∑Authors OAB/Tot.: 55 / 84
  • Percentage OAB_Authors: 65.48%
  • ∑citations: 1
  • ∑I.F.: 0.88
  • ∑ I.F. / n. publications: 0.08


Salmaso, B. , Basso, S. , Civitani, M. , Ghigo, M. , Holyszko, J., Spiga, D. , Vecchi, G. , Pareschi, G.

2016, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9905, id. 990523 11 pp. (2016).
Citations: 1     I.F.: 0.88        Citations/Authors: 0.12

Vecchi, G. , Basso, S. , Canestrari, R., Civitani, M. , Ghigo, M. , Holyszko, J., Pareschi, G. , Salmaso, B.

2018, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10706, id. 107060H 9 pp. (2018).
pdf icon   Fused Silica segments: a possible solution for x-ray telescopes with very high angular resolution like Lynx/XRS

Salmaso, B. , Basso, S. , Civitani, M. , Ghigo, M. , Holyszko, J., Spiga, D. , Vecchi, G. , Pareschi, G.

2017, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10399, id. 103990X 13 pp. (2017).
Ion beam figuring of thin glass plates: achievements and perspectives

Civitani, M. , Ghigo, M. , Holyszko, J., Vecchi, G. , Basso, S.

2016, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9905, id. 990578 8 pp. (2016).

Civitani, M. , Vecchi, G. , Holyszko, J., Basso, S. , Ghigo, M. , Pareschi, G. , Parodi, G., Toso, G., Kiranmayee, K., Davis, J., Elsner, R., et al.

2018, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10699, id. 1069911 24 pp. (2018).

Civitani, M. , Ghigo, M. , Holyszko, J., Vecchi, G. , Basso, S. , Cotroneo, V. , De Roo, C. T., Schwartz, E. D., Reid, P. B.

2018, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10699, id. 106990T 13 pp. (2018).

Salmaso, B. , Basso, S. , Civitani, M. , Ghigo, M. , Holyszko, J., Pelliciari, C., Spiga, D. , Vecchi, G. , Pareschi, G.

2016, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9965, id. 99650B 15 pp. (2016).

Basso, S. , Civitani, M. , Ghigo, M. , Holyszko, J., Pareschi, G. , Salmaso, B. , Vecchi, G. , Burwitz, V., Pelliciari, C., Hartner, G., Breunig, E., et al.

2017, Proc. SPIE 10399, 1039911 (2017) - DOI: 10.1117/12.2275335


pdf icon   Characterization of the profiles of slumped glass foils after cutting and annealing

Holyszko, J., Salmaso, B. , Civitani, M.

2015, INAF/OAB internal report 13/2015
pdf icon   Detecting the mitigation of fused silica roughening after Ion Beam Figuring

Holyszko, J., Salmaso, B. , Ghigo, M. , Arcangeli, L., Passaretti, F., Spiga, D.

2017, INAF/OAB technical report 05/2017
Prototype realization of WFXT shell in glass: The new air bearing pitch tool.

Civitani, M. , Mattaini, E., Citterio, O. , Basso, S. , Holyszko, J.

2016, INAF/OAB internal report 11/2016