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Astronomy Picture of the Day

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Dottorati/Students with P.h.D.

Name Subject Tutor Supervisor (Milano/Merate) Cycle Beginning End
Iovenitti Simone Astrometry techniques for the calibration of the ASTRI telescope with the variance method Potenza M. Sironi G. & Pareschi G. XXXIX 2018-10-31 2021-12-31
Bertone Emanuele A new library of theoretical stellar spectra for population synthesis studies Sironi G. Buzzoni A. XIV 1999-03-01 2002-01-02

Laureati/Graduate students

Name Subject Supervisor Supervisors (Milano/Merate) Date University
Cavallotti Francesca Spettri radio di un campione di BL Lac selezionati in X Sironi G. Wolter A. 2001-07-01 Milano Statale