Internal Report |
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01. 2024 |
IR-OAB-2024-1 - Preliminary experiments for the MM-0058 Thermal Tests |
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02. 2023 |
IR-OAB-2023-1 - A preliminary optical design for the HEX-P hard X-ray telescope |
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IR-OAB-2023-2 - The CCD camera of the BEaTriX facility: dark frames characterization and photon counting |
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IR-OAB-2023-3 - Simulations for the 1.49 keV and 6.4 keV beamlines of BEaTriX N. 2 |
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IR-OAB-2023-4 - Performed tests of the BEaTriX CCD#2 |
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IR-OAB-2023-5 - Maintenance of the BEaTriX facility: MPT 200 Vacuum sensors |
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03. 2022 |
IR-OAB-2022-1 - Global PSD tolerance for the VERT-X Wolter-I mirror |
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IR-OAB-2022-2 - The magnetic field generated by uniformly-magnetized, segmented rings |
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IR-OAB-2022-3 - Performance predictions for the BEaTriX expanded beam |
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04. 2021 |
IR-OAB-2021-1 - Coating samples for the BEaTriX mirrors: surface roughness analysis |
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IR-OAB-2021-2 - Test plan of the BEaTriX paraboloidal mirror at PANTER |
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IR-OAB-2021-3 - Test results of the BEaTriX paraboloidal mirror at PANTER |
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IR-OAB-2021-4 - Modeling and measurement of the scattering properties of the source pinhole in the BEaTriX facility |
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IR-OAB-2021-5 - Magnetic field simulation for the Athena proton diverter |
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IR-OAB-2021-6 - SWORDS - SoftWare fOR Diffraction Simulation of silicon pore optics: the user manual |
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05. 2020 |
IR-OAB-2020-1 - The BEaTriX collimating mirror: metrology with LTP at ELETTRA |
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IR-OAB-2020-2 - Scattering simulation for the eXTP mirror module by nickel replica without gold |
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IR-OAB-2020-3 - Roughness measurements on the BEaTriX parabolic mirror during the pitch polishing process |
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IR-OAB-2020-4 - SPO diffraction simulation software for the ESA-SImPOSIUM project: the user manual |
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07. 2018 |
IR-OAB-2018-1 - Optical simulations for the BEaTriX X-ray facility: a brief performance and alignment tolerance study |
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IR-OAB-2018-2 - X-ray simulations of the ASPHEA MM#1 mirror module assembly tested at PANTER |
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IR-OAB-2018-3 - BEaTriX: vibrations campaign on the laboratory ground |
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IR-OAB-2018-4 - New input for the assessment of the BEaTriX design |
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IR-OAB-2018-5 - The BEaTriX parabolic mirror: manufacturing tolerances and expected results in UV and X-ray illumination |
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08. 2017 |
IR-OAB-2017-1 - Specifications for the enhanced X-ray Timing Polarimeter (eXTP) |
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IR-OAB-2017-2 - BEaTriX X-ray facility for testing ATHENA mirror modules: a white paper for the implementation |
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IR-OAB-2017-3 - Simulation of a Silicon Pore Optic mirror module diffraction pattern: the case of a light source at finite distance |
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IR-OAB-2017-5 - Detecting the mitigation of fused silica roughening after Ion Beam Figuring |
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IR-OAB-2017-6 - X-ray scattering measurements of Fused Silica samples after Ion Beam Figuring |
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IR-OAB-2017-7 - Charged particle diverters for X-ray telescopes: the magnetic field of a uniformly-magnetized wedge |
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IR-OAB-2017-8 - Roughness characterization of an SPO sample with AFM: optical side and non-optical side in the inter-rib region |
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IR-OAB-2017-9 - Effective area simulations for the ARCUS SPO MM-0024 |
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IR-OAB-2017-10 - Fused Silica thin segments for X-ray telescopes: status of the process at OAB |
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IR-OAB-2017-11a - Ion Beam Figuring of thin Fused Silica flat wafers |
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IR-OAB-2017-11b - PLATO - FEM Analysis of L3 gluing |
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09. 2016 |
IR-OAB-2016-1 - On the mirror profile reconstruction from intra-focal X-ray imaging using a source at finite distance |
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IR-OAB-2016-2 - Acceptance tests for the MicroFinish Topographer |
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IR-OAB-2016-3 - Silicon Pore Optics (SPO): Preliminary performance model for plate production support |
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IR-OAB-2016-4 - Slumped Glass Optics: Cleanliness check with deflectometry On the Integration Machine |
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IR-OAB-2016-5 - Stray light contamination assessment for XIPE |
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IR-OAB-2016-6 - Evaluation of the centroid displacement in the UV diffraction pattern of a Silicon Pore Optic Mirror Module |
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IR-OAB-2016-7 - Specifications of the parabolic X-ray mirror for the XRD laboratory at ELETTRA |
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IR-OAB-2016-8 - Coating design for the PLATO telescope optical unit |
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IR-OAB-2016-9 - Cleaning of Ruths primary mirror: 2016 |
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IR-OAB-2016-10 - PSF defocusing simulation in the XIPE X-ray telescope Gas Pixel Detector |
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IR-OAB-2016-11 - Prototype realization of WFXT shell in glass: The new air bearing pitch tool |
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IR-OAB-2016-12 - X-ray mirror module design from exact FOV requirement: extension to the case of on-axis obstructed mirrors |
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IR-OAB-2016-13 - Simulations of an extended X-ray source imaged by an ellipsoidal mirror |
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IR-OAB-2016-14 - 2D diffraction simulations of a 12 m focal length SPO mirror module for ATHENA |
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10. 2015 |
IR-OAB-2015-1 - Optimization of the slumping process of Eagle XG on Zerodur K20: fine tuning for the production of POC#4 glass foils |
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IR-OAB-2015-2 - Acceptance tests and calibration of the Explorer Atomic Force Microscope new head |
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IR-OAB-2015-3 - Characterization of the Zerodur K20-20B cylindrical slumping mould polished by HELLMA |
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IR-OAB-2015-4 - LTP and ZYGO comparison of the profile measurements of MK20-20B slumping mould |
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IR-OAB-2015-5 - Mirror module design for BICE X-ray telescopes |
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IR-OAB-2015-6 - ESA class. XIPE-OAB-TN-0002 - XIPE optical module redefinition for a 4 m focal length |
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IR-OAB-2015-7 - Preliminary design for XTP LFA mirror module based on nickel |
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IR-OAB-2015-8 - X-ray optics with slumped glass: preliminary optical design for an Athena like mission |
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IR-OAB-2015-9 - Evaluation of shape deformations induced by the coating on small cylindrical AF32 samples |
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IR-OAB-2015-10 - Flat Proof of Concept: manufacturing and characterization |
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IR-OAB-2015-11 - SGO Optics collaboration with MPE: The Joint Integrated Module #1 (JIM#1) |
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IR-OAB-2015-12 - X-ray optics with slumped glasses: High-resolution metrology with CUP of AF32 slumped glasses |
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IR-OAB-2015-13 - Characterization of the profiles of slumped glass foils after cutting and annealing |
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11. 2014 |
IR-OAB-2014-1 - Characterization of the Zerodur K20-20 cylindrical slumping mould polished by HELLMA |
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IR-OAB-2014-2 - From AF32 to Eagle XG: characterization of glasses slumped on Zerodur K20-10 mould |
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IR-OAB-2014-3 - Proof of Concept No. 2 optic with slumped glasses: tests in focus at PANTER |
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IR-OAB-2014-4 - Cleaning of Ruths primary mirror |
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IR-OAB-2014-5 - Electroformed nickel samples for the polarimetric LAMP X-ray telescope: sample roughness characterization |
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IR-OAB-2014-6 - Sticking of Eagle glass on Zerodur K20-20 mould: failure analysis |
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IR-OAB-2014-7 - Performance simulations of a magnetic diverter for the ATHENA (form. IXO) X-ray telescope |
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IR-OAB-2014-8 - Magnetic field design for the polarimetric X-ray Gas Pixel Detector |
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IR-OAB-2014-9 - Out-of-focus image of a paraboloidal mirror: analytical description in far-field and near-normal approximations |
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IR-OAB-2014-10 - Mirror module design for the XIPE X-ray polarimeter |
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IR-OAB-2014-11 - Characterization of the Silicon cylindrical slumping mould polished by HELLMA |
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IR-OAB-2014-12 - Prototype realization of WFXT shell in glass: Shell#4 grinding and polishing @LT-Ultra |
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IR-OAB-2014-13 - Characterization Universal Profilometer (CUP): NewPort carriage characterization |
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IR-OAB-2014-14 - Characterization Universal Profilometer (CUP): carriages systematic error removal |
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IR-OAB-2014-15 - Slumping Eagle XG on new Zerodur K20 MK20-20 mould |
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IR-OAB-2014-16 - Effective area analytical computation for segmented optics |
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12. 2013 |
IR-OAB-2013-1 - IXO glasses cleaning procedure after slumping: removing residuals affecting the high frequency region |
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IR-OAB-2013-2 - Extending the INAF/OAB Ultraviolet Vertical Optical Bench to a 20 m focal length |
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IR-OAB-2013-3 - XOU_BB Prototype: manufacturing steps and analysis of expected alignment performances |
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IR-OAB-2013-4 - Prototype realization of WFXT shell in glass: evaluation of the pendulum tool |
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IR-OAB-2013-5 - Prototype realization of WFXT shell in glass: the new symmetric oscillating pitch tool |
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IR-OAB-2013-6 - Prototype realization of WFXT shell in glass: Shell#8 development |
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IR-OAB-2013-7 - Prototype realization of WFXT shell in glass: Shell#8 Fine Grinding |
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IR-OAB-2013-8 - Prototype realization of WFXT shell in glass: Shell#4 integration in SSS |
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IR-OAB-2013-9 - Proof of concept (POC2) realization: Slumped glass characterization with CUP |
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IR-OAB-2013-10 - IXO backup optics with slumped glasses: PANTER test of the Proof of Concept #2 optic |
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IR-OAB-2013-11 - Evaluation of shape deformations induced by the coating on flat AF32 samples |
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IR-OAB-2013-12 - LTP profiles of AF32 glasses with FEA correction: a method to remove spurious mid-frequency errors |
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IR-OAB-2013-13 - X-ray optics with slumped glass: optical design and integration item requirements definition for Proof of concept #4 (POC#4) |
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IR-OAB-2013-14 - Fine-tuning of slumped AF32 glasses on a Zerodur K20 mould |
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IR-OAB-2013-15 - Profile and roughness metrology of slumped glasses for the "IXO back-up optics" project |
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13. 2012 |
IR-OAB-2012-1 - AFM analysis of test wafers coated with Cr-Ni-Au layers: roughness characterization |
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IR-OAB-2012-4 - IXO back-up optics with slumped glasses: Proof of Concept (PoC) tests at PANTER and INAF/OAB |
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IR-OAB-2012-5 - IXO back-up optics with slumped glasses: XOU-BB tests at PANTER and INAF/OAB |
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14. 2011 |
IR-OAB-2011-2 - Hard X-ray mirrors for NHXM: reflectivity and roughness characterization of mirror shell samples |
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IR-OAB-2011-3 - IXO slumped glasses D5 and D7: analysis of spatial wavelength impact on the Point Spread Function by means of the Fresnel diffraction |
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IR-OAB-2011-4 - High-resolution X-ray scattering measurement of slumped glasses |
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IR-OAB-2011-5 - Characterization of slumped glasses for the IXO backup optics project, phase 2 |
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IR-OAB-2011-6 - X-ray tests at PANTER on the TDM3 optic prototype for the New Hard X-ray Mission |
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IR-OAB-2011-7 - Technical Demonstrator Model no.2 for NHXM: metrological analysis performed at OAB |
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15. 2010 |
IR-OAB-2010-1 - Pt/C multilayer stack for the scientific phase B of the NHXM mission |
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IR-OAB-2010-3 - Reflectivity and stress characterization of W/Si and Pt/C multilayer samples for the New Hard X-ray Mission phase B development |
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IR-OAB-2010-4 - Slumped glasses for the IXO X-ray telescope: PSF simulations by application of the Fresnel diffraction |
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IR-OAB-2010-5 - X-ray tests at PANTER on the TDM1 optic prototype for the New Hard X-ray Mission |
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IR-OAB-2010-6 - X-ray tests at PANTER on the TDM2 optic prototype for the New Hard X-ray Mission |
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16. 2009 |
IR-OAB-2009-1 - X-ray tests at PANTER on Nickel-Cobalt EM#3 (phase A) SIMBOL-X optic prototype |
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IR-OAB-2009-2 - Calibration of W/Si multilayer samples for SIMBOL-X X-ray telescope Phase A development |
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IR-OAB-2009-3 - Test del precollimatore eseguito con anellino elettroformato e incollato nell’intersection plane |
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IR-OAB-2009-4 - PLATO TOU: Steady-state thermal analyses |
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IR-OAB-2009-5 - Calibration of very long (>10 m) focal length X-ray optics at PANTER facility: a short update |
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IR-OAB-2009-6 - Notes on the development of a magnetic diverter for the SIMBOL-X X-ray telescope |
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IR-OAB-2009-7 - Engineering Models for SIMBOL-X Phase A: metrological and X-ray analyses post PANTER tests |
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17. 2008 |
IR-OAB-2008-1 - Silicon mirrors for the XEUS X-ray telescope pore optics: microroughness characterization |
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IR-OAB-2008-2 - Calibration of SIMBOL-X optics at PANTER facility: proposed setup and hardware implementation |
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IR-OAB-2008-3 - Integration for NHXM prototypes in Phase A in OAB vertical bench |
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IR-OAB-2008-4 - Mirror shell 295/2 for SIMBOL-X optic Phase A prototype: results of performed tests at MPE-PANTER |
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IR-OAB-2008-5 - Design of mandrels with internal shaft |
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IR-OAB-2008-6 - Geometrical tolerances for the mandrels design |
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IR-OAB-2008-7 - X-ray tests at PANTER on the optic 291+295 prototype (EM#1) for the phase A of SIMBOL-X |
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IR-OAB-2008-9 - X-ray tests at PANTER on the EM#2 SIMBOL-X optic (phase A) |
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XIAO Phase A Documents, XIAO-XST-SP-001 - Mission Description Document |
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XIAO-XST-RE-003 - Phase A study and Proposal for Phases BCDEF of the XIAO Mission of Opportunity |
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XIAO Phase A Documents, XIAO Phase A, XIAO-XST-SR-003 - Scientific Requirements for the XIAO telescope |
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INAF/OAB: HXMT-OAB-ID-001, 27/11/2006 - Shell dimensioning for the HXMT telescope |
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18. 2007 |
IR-OAB-2007-1 - X-ray optic 346 manufactured at MSFC and Harvard-CfA: results of tests at PANTER facility and surface characterization |
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IR-OAB-2007-2 - Results of tests performed at PANTER and INAF/OAB on the X-ray optic 349 manufactured at MSFC and Harvard-CfA |
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IR-OAB-2007-3 - Surface roughness and bulk characterization of SiC and Aluminium samples with PECVD-SiC cladding |
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IR-OAB-2007-4 - Gold-coated mirror shell test at PANTER facility: Proposed Test Plan Definition |
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IR-OAB-2007-5 - SIMBOL-X: replica simulation on Alluminum samples with Nickel coating |
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19. 2006 |
IR-OAB-2006-1 - Multilayer-coated mirror shell test at PANTER facility: Preliminary Performances Evaluation and Tst Plan definition |
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IR-OAB-2006-2 - Mirror shell 338 (Jet-X mandrel n.1 sized shell):Achieved tests at Panter facility and INAF/OAB |
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IR-OAB-2006-3 - Optic (HXT 150 + 230)test at Panter facility: Preliminary Performances Evaluation and Proposed Test Plan definition |
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IR-OAB-2006-4 - Characterization of a PECVD-SiC replicated mirror sample |
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IR-OAB-2006-5 - Effective Area Calculation for XEUS pore optics |
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IR-OAB-2006-6 - Influenza dei gradienti di temperatura su una lastra di vetro |
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IR-OAB-2006-7 - Characterization of an antenna for RFID systems |
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SX-INAF-OABRERA-TN-0002, v. 2.0 - Oct 23, 2006 |
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SX-INAF-OABRERA-TN-0003-v. 1.0 11 December 2006 - Evaluation of the Simbol-X mirror module mass |
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Doc n. ELT-INA-09300-00004.1.0. relazione del meeting ELT-DS Progress test review nell'ambito delle attivita' per lo slumping, 11 October 2006 - "Development of slumping technique - Progress Test Review |
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Doc. n. ELT-SOW-INA-09300-0004, prodotto nell' ambito dello sviluppo della tecnica di Slumping per ELT Design Study FP6 - Development of slumping technique. Statement of Work |
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20. 2005 |
IR-OAB-2005-1 - ESA Silicon Substrate Microroughness Chracterization |
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IR-OAB-2005-2 - Multilayer coating for high-energy optics for astrophysics (samples characterisation test plan) |
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IR-OAB-2005-3 - Multilayer Coatings for High-Energy Optics for Astrophysics Assessment of the scientific requirements for the XEUS mirrors |
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IR-OAB-2005-4 - Multilayer Coatings for High-Energy Optics for Astrophysics Coating design, optimisation and trade-off |
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IR-OAB-2005-5 - Procedura di superpulitura dei mandrini per ottiche radenti in raggi X |
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IR-OAB-2005-6 - Characterization of a W/Si graded multilayer coated mirror shell (n. 326) preformed by Nickel electroforming (april 2004) |
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IR-OAB-2005-7a - Characterization of Pt/C and W/Si multilayer-coated mirror shells at the PANTER facility (Sep 2004 - Feb 2005) |
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IR-OAB-2005-7b - Thickness variation measurements performed on Borofloat 33 sheets |
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IR-OAB-2005-8 - X-ray and topographic characterization of a W/Si graded multilayer coated mirror shell (n.333) at PANTER facility (april 2005) |
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Contratto ASI: N.I/014/04/0 - Commessa: N. P150102 - OAB/INAF team-study coordinato e finanziato da ASI - Payload per astrofisica delle alte energie - Progetto Preliminare e Prove Effettuate |
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Contratto ASI: N.I/014/04/0 - Commessa: N. P150102 - OAB/INAF team-study coordinato e finanziato da ASI - Payload per astrofisica delle alte energie - Studio di Fattibilità Definitivo |
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Contratto ASI: N. I/014/04/0 - Commessa: N. P150102 - OAB/INAF team-study coordinato e finanziato da ASI - Payload per astrofisica delle alte energie - Sviluppo fasi successive del progetto e stima preliminare dei costi |
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