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Astronomy Picture of the Day

Scientific and Technological projects

Seminars in Milan

Last publications

  •   Determining the effect of High Power Pulse Ultraviolet (UV) radiation on bacillus Anthracis
  • Chumakov, V., N., Pinchuk, O., Kharchenko -

INAF-Astronomical Observatory of Brera



Logo OAB Brera
via Brera 28, 20121 Milano
Tel. - email
via E. Bianchi 46, 23807 Merate, Lc
Tel. - email
Codice Fiscale: 97220210583
P.Iva: 06895721006

Visits and information

 Visiting OAB
icona freccia Evening visits in Merate: sold out until December 2017 - For booking from January 2018 phone o send an email after September 15, 2017
icona freccia Web page for guided visits
icona freccia FAQ for Milano visits
icona freccia FAQ for Merate visits
Switchboard: Tel. - email

Competitions & thesis

OAB for school

 School site
Download 2016-17 program for Milano
Milano for Schools: Tel. - email
Download 2017-18 program for Merate
Merate for Schools: Tel. - email

Astro curiosity


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2017 Events

Research for everybody

A web site telling the history of the Observatory through its instruments ... (go to the italian web site)

  • Gamma Ray Bursts
  • Gamma-ray bursts were first observed in the late 1960s by the U.S. Vela satellites, which were built to detect gamma radiation pulses emitted by nuclear weapons tested in space ... (go to the italian web site)