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Astronomy Picture of the Day
Nicolò Copernico De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium, 1566.

The copious libraries in Milan and in Merate preserve up-to-date astronomical reviews (ApJ, AJ, A&A, MNRAS, etc.) and a set of recent monographies.

arrow Go to the catalogue Modern reviews.

Milan library

A modern library with more than 1000 modern astronomical and correlated fields books and an ancient library with more than 30000 books from XV century.
In addition to Newton and Copernico’s works you can find a copy of the first edition of Galileo's Sidereus Nuncius and a very rarity like the Giovanni Regiomontano's Epitome of Tolomeo’s Almagesto. This is a "incunabulum" year 1496 belonged to Michael Maestlin, who was Keplero’s tutor.
"Incunaboli", "cinquecentine" (XVI printed books) and "seicentine" (XVII printed books) are not present in our library on-line catalogue.
arrow Go to the catalogue Brera monographies.

Merate library

In Merate we have a modern library with more than 6000 astronomical and correlated fields books principally of XX and XXI century.
arrow Go to the catalogue Merate monographies

Milan library is open in consultation by appointment only from Monday to Friday from 9:30 to 16:00.
Library Manager in Milano: Agnese Mandrino
Library Manager in Merate: Giannantonio Guerrero